Dark Winter.exe

Today is july 8, 2013. I was on the weird part of youtube when the weird thing happened.  video called Dark Winter.exe. Because I'm bored, I clicked on the video to see what it was about. The video's views was -666. Was this a glitch? I ignored the views and went to read the description. This is what the discription said. 
"Do you want to play Dark Winter, the game of death? This horror game is known to be very sad, yet it just pulls at you're heart. To play is just a simple click away. download. www.thisisafakewebsitenotarealwebsitesodon'teventrytouseit.com"
Now this game looks cool. I go to the website and click download. My anti virse said that this folder will harm my computer. I ignored it, because my anti virse says that every time I download a .exe file. Anyways, the download finished after 3 hours. I ran the .exe. The title screen had a picture of a pikachu holding a egg. I had no idea that this game was about pokemon. Besides that, the game looked legit. I press start so I can play the game. The game starts in a snow storm. A pikachu was slowly walking in the snow storm. About 3 minutes of the walking pikachu, A text dialoge apeared. "It's so cold. . . Will my baby live?. . . I wish Tom was here. . ." The game cut to black for about 1 second. After that, the game showed a cutsceen of a frostbitten pikachu holding a egg. Another text dialoge apeared. "Are you cold, Jake? Because I'm cold. . ." Wait, Jake's my name? This was kindof spooky really. Right after that, I started to have a bad pain in my head. "My head. . ." I said trying to focuse to the game. Right after that cutsceen, there was another one. The egg was hatching! As I watch the egg, my headach got worse. "What's happening. . ." I said and then passed out. About a day later, I woke up. Something wasn't right with me. I felt like killing everyone on this earth. Slowly, I walked to my bath room and took a look in the mirror. This wasn't me! I had cat ears, a pikachu tail, dragon wings, a wolf snout, shark teeth, and blood red eyes. Instead of being scared, I was happy. I walked outside to see that my dog was barking in fear at me. With no controll, I riped my dog in half and then flew off. I've been flying sence then.